Picture’s Substack
The Curious Compassionate Podcast
The Curious Compassionate Podcast Debut

The Curious Compassionate Podcast Debut

We welcome you to join us on our journey following curiosity and the ways it can help us create a kinder world.

As promised in the last post, here is a hint of what’s to come with our podcast, The Curious Compassionate.

While we are and always will be Picture Book Peeps (raise your hand if you love picture books!📚📚), we want to use what we can—our words—to do more for this world.


Let’s get started on this exploration of curiosity and compassion with our first episode about using picture books to build bridges between experiences. 🌉

Don’t want to miss an episode? Subscribe for free below.

Picture’s Substack
The Curious Compassionate Podcast
If you’re compassionate, learning and doing more for yourself isn’t enough–you care about the effect you and your actions have on others and the world we live in. For us, we do that through our books.
We’re a group of picture book (and multi-genre) writers who recognize the power of story. You can expect monthly episodes from us that highlight a curated list of books addressing a theme each month as well as related resources including educational and supportive.
At the heart of our show will be how to foster curiosity within children and ourselves to open and build the bridges between us all. There will be occasional guest authors who dive into the meaning behind their work and multiple hosts. Thank you for sharing this journey with us!