We are so happy to feature one of our own Picture Book Peeps, Christine J. Ko today. She is in conversation with Gina Soldano-Herrle about her book Sound Switch Wonder (coauthored with Owen Whang and illustrated by Katie Crumpton) as well as her writing journey. 🖋️
I just wanted a book with a main character with cochlear implants without it being about them being deaf…Just a book with them out there in the world. - Christine J. Ko
Here are some highlights:
The 5 years it took her from first draft to book!
Examining writing and identity—can one write a fictional book outside of their experience? The fallacy within that idea as well as the need for yes and.
Her hopes for the diverse books movement to promote curiosity. Curiosity about other experiences outside of ourselves.
Increasing awareness can form bridges between us. This and the books that do this can also help us modify our beliefs because we all have bias. It’s a part of being a human.
Common questions from her readers and misconceptions about sign language.
The experience of coauthoring a book with her child. He’s a debut author at 13!
This is what literature’s about, making a new world. - Christine J. Ko
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resources:
Recommended Reading and Watching📚:
Sound Switch Wonder by Christine J. Ko and Owen Whang, illustrated by Katie Crumpton
Dancing Hands: A Story of Friendship in Filipino Sign Language by Joanna Que and Charina Marquez, illustrated by Fran Alvarez, translated by Karen Llagas
If there are books or shows you’d recommend with deaf or hard of hearing representation, let us know in the comments below!
Christine J. Ko on Twitter, Instagram and her website
The Sound Switch Wonder website
Sound Switch Wonder at Turner Publishing, Bookshop, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon
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